Sensory Research
ACCE is an industry leader in the field of sensory research, having achieved international recognition for quality panel work against global standards (Calibsensory).

Sensory Panels
ACCE maintains sensory acuity-screened sensory panels for the conduct of discrimination tests, including all types of comparison difference testing (paired-comparison, triangle, tetrad, etc.)

Consumer Research
ACCE custom designs every research project using the most reliable and appropriate methods, tools, and techniques. Coupled with our deep knowledge of research methods that helps us meet your business goals.

Quantitative Research
ACCE provides Quantitative Consumer Research that involves a natural or observational examination of consumer behaviour.

Qualitative Research
ACCE provides Qualitative Consumer Research in the form of Central location Testing (CLT), Home-use Testing (HUT), and Online Research Projects.

Cannabis Research
ACCE is Health Canada (HC) approved to provide testing of cannabis-infused products both on site and in-home.

Focus Groups
ACCE is backed with over thirty years of experience, offers full qualitative research in the form of focus groups, mini groups and one-on-one interviews, including moderating, and recruiting as needed.
Capabilities & Capacity
A Bridge Between The Consumer and Producer
Become a Participant
Fortune 500 companies want your opinion and they are willing to pay for it. It’s as simple as taste food products, give us your opinion, earn cash!

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