
Sensory Research
ACCE is an industry leader in the field of sensory research, having achieved international recognition for quality panel work against global standards (Calibsensory). Sensory research is the foundation of consumer research and, in practical terms, the basis for ensuring product quality. It is through the use of sensory science methods that both product attributes and consumer attributes can be studied and controlled to gain a deeper understanding of each and how they interact. ACCE offers consumer and product sensory characterization using methods optimized for your project and business needs

Consumer Research
ACCE custom designs every research project using the most reliable and appropriate methods, tools and techniques to meet your business needs. Our deep knowledge of research methods across food science, sensory science, and consumer behaviour disciplines allows us to integrate complex outputs and deliver unique insights that bridge consumer acceptance, sensorial attributes, formulation, market penetration… everything you need to uncover your product’s perfect formulation(s)!
Quantitative Consumer Research
ACCE has the capacity and capabilities to conduct any kind of quantitative research in any kind of environment. Our agile customizable facility and proprietary project management, research design, panelist tracking, and data collection software allows us the flexibility to create the necessary situation to appropriately evaluate your product. In-booth, in-context, in-home, in-restaurant…wherever your research warrants you go, ACCE will get you there with our expertise in research methods, analytics, interpretations, insights, and reporting.

Qualitative Consumer Research
Qualitative consumer research insights are an invaluable component of any research study. Direct feedback from your consumers can come in many forms – open-ended comment questions in quantitative surveys, in-depth respondent interviews, traditional focus groups, consumer-led product ideation, ethnographic research – all of which can provide unique perspective and development direction. ACCE’s methodologies, analytics, and expertise bring you the voice of your consumer.
Looking to drive your knowledge further without breaking your research budget? Considering the greatest cost in consumer guidance research is the recruitment of consumers, digging deeper with those consumers is certainly worth your while. The thoughtful marriage of qualitative and quantitative (e.g., CLT or HUT) research allows ACCE to ensure key research learning is leveraged to maximize the value of your total research investment.
Contact us to learn about the many ways that ACCE can use qualitative methods to bring your consumers’ voice to the table in your business decisions.
Cannabis Research
Canada is one of a select few countries globally where cannabis is legal for both medical and recreational use. ACCE is very pleased to offer full-service sensory and consumer research offerings to this new and exciting category under our Health Canada Cannabis Research Licence!

Trained Sensory Panels
Trained sensory panels are a cost-effective method of discriminative and/or descriptive research used to explore and quantify product characteristics in detailed sensory terms.
Our trained panels at ACCE discern whether or not differences exist amongst a range of products and help inform whether differences warrant further testing or other development activities.
ACCE’s highly trained descriptive sensory panels provide clear product profiles to aid in the development of any consumable product. Whether your objective is white space innovation, product matching, competitive landscape review, productivity, continuity – ACCE’s trained sensory panel methods will get you the technical product and consumer insights you need.
Focus Groups
The majority of ACCE International`s projects and studies are conducted as central location tests (CLT). Respondents, who are recruited to participate in these types of studies, come to an ACCE facility to evaluate products. The main CLT facility is in Mississauga, Ontario with partner facilities in key Canadian, US and European cities. Home Use Tests (also known as In-Home Use Test) are an alternative research design available at ACCE International. HUT methodology is generally used for projects where the product needs to be evaluated over a period of time (a day, a week, a month) or when one of the key objectives is to have the consumer use the product in the real life setting of the home.

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