Cannabis Research
As with other highly-regulated products (alcohol, tobacco/nicotine, drugs/medications), human testing of cannabis-infused products requires that specific safety and security requirements be met - ACCE has developed appropriate protocols and standard operating procedures for testing cannabis-infused products. Working under the Cannabis Act regulations, ACCE is happy to offer product evaluation designs through both CLT (Central Location Testing) and IHUT (In-Home Use Testing) protocols.
Our research designs, methods, and analytics are under continuous improvement and innovation, and are completely customizable. ACCE is offering our extensive CPG-testing knowledge and our research standards of excellence to give clients the essential insights and guidance they need delight consumers of this new category. Through our extensive techniques’ toolbox, which includes methods ranging from temporal (dynamic) sensorial profiling to quantitative descriptive analysis, ACCE can provide your team with key information on specific product attributes through overall user experience.
As an active member of both ASTM Committees D-37 (Cannabis) and E-18 (Sensory Evaluation), ACCE is currently active in the drafting of global sensory and consumer testing standards for products containing cannabis. In addition, ACCE has extensive experience working with ethics review boards and bodies to ensure all activities around your research are compliant with our local, provincial, and federal rules and regulations.As a recognized leader in sensory and consumer product research with clinical evaluation expertise, ACCE is poised to work with licenced producers in optimizing their products and bolstering their global competitive advantage.

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